Catalogue des capsules d'une brasserie - Brewery's caps catalogue
Brouwerij Dubois-Mertens
localisation brasserie1848 François Benoit Dubois is master brewer.
1860 His brothers Jacob and Gustave take over the brewery.
1868 Gustave remains alone at the helm supported by his sisters, the name of the brewery becomes Brasserie Dubois brother & sisters .
1896 Brasserie Gustave Dubois.
1906 His nephew Hector Dubois now runs the brewery, Brasserie Léon Dubois-Haems .
1913 Hector Dubois marries M-J. Mertens, Brasserie Hector Dubois-Mertens .
1950 Brouwerij Du Bois-Mertens NV.
1954 Production is stopped and the brewery is transformed into a warehouse for the Alken brewery.
1979 Takeover of the brewery's business by Alken and dismantling of the society.

Commercial Register
H.R. Dendermonde : 261

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Breewed beers
Blonde, Bruno, Export (1934 - ?), Faro, Fox Bier (1929 - ?), Fox Export, Fox Pils, Nationaal Blond, Nationaal Bruin, Oud-Ale, Stout D.B.M., Super Bruno, Tommy's Beer.

Photo de capsule