Catalogue des capsules d'une brasserie - Brewery's caps catalogue
Brouwerij Tack
localisation brasserie1760 Brewery founded by Pieter Franciscus Ignatius Tack.
1912 Auguste Tack, changes the name to Brouwerij De Torens .
1941 Death of Augustus, his son succeeds him.
1948 Adds low fermentation beers to its production and begins to produce Orta Pils .
1954 Brouwerij Tack PVBA.
Closed in 1962.

Commercial Register
H.R. Kortrijk : 12.044

To see the To hide the
Breewed beers
Bock, Brune Extra, Orta, Orta Pils, Pereltje, Scotch, Speciale, Tack Pils, Toren Stout.

Orta pils
Photo de capsule
? - 1962]