Catalogue des capsules d'une brasserie - Brewery's caps catalogue
logo brasserie
localisation brasserie1919 Purchase of the Lannoy-Dupont brewery by Henry "Harry" Feneau and his brother-in-law Léon Vermeulen.
1921 Agreement between the brothers-in-law and creation of the Brasserie Les Trois Rois .
1940 Death of Henri "Harry", his widow and children sell all their shares in 1955 to Léon Vermeulen.
Farm in 1965.

Commercial Register
H.R. Kortrijk : 39
H.R. Kortrijk : 40

To see the To hide the
Breewed beers
Bavière, Bock, Brillant, Brune, Christmas, Christmas Pale Ale, Export, King's Ale, King's Lager Beer, King's Pale-Ale, Mars, Munich, Original Scotch Ale, Paf Speciale, Pale-Ale, Pilsen, Pilsiana, Pilsner, Pilzian, Red Star, Royal-Ziller, Scotch-Ale, Sparta 8° Abzug, Speciale, Bière Spéciale, Stout, Stout Vermeulen, Super Bock, Uitzet, Ziller Export, Ziller Lager Export Beer.

Photo de capsule
? - 1959]