1751 Arnold Glibert builds a brewery next to his farm in Braine l'Alleud. 1928 Alfred G libert marries Clémence V an Ham and they give the brewery the name of Brasserie Gévé or GV or Glibert-Vanham . Taken over in 1956 by the brewery Alken . Production stopped in 1970 and site closed. Commercial Register R.C. Nivelles : 367 To see the To hide the Breewed beers Augustin, Bavière, Belge, Blonde, Blonde SMB, Bock, Bourgeoise, Brune, Carell Beer, Double Blonde, Export, Extra Stout, Foncée, Bière des Forges, Good Evening, Gueuze-Lambic, Horse Brewery Extra Stout, Jockey, Jockey Ale (1662), Lambik, Milord Pale Ale, Napoléon, Pilsen, Pils G.V., Scotch Ale, Scotch G-V, Speciale Gévé, Spirou, Sterck, Stout G-V, Super, Super Jockey. | |||